Published: September 3, 2022
Eat your heart out, Tom Cruise!
Our very own resident daredevil, Samantha Smith, threw herself out of a plane today.
Raising money for Huntingdon’s Disease Association, Sam and some friends donned parachutes, strapped themselves to an instructor and went skydiving.
Huntington’s Disease is a rare hereditary and neurological disease that affects the body’s nervous system and causes changes with movement, learning, thinking and emotions. It has no cure as yet.
The skydiving team went under the name ‘Ladies Who Dare‘ and they raised a massive £19,768 to date.
Sam sent us all at Leigh Duncan a WhatsApp message after landing safely back on firm ground: “Did it!!!! Loved it!!!! Want to do another one……”
We are all very proud of her. Well done Sam!
Tom Cruise was unavailable for comment.

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