Lasting Powers of Attorney

Protect your interests and ease the burden on loved ones

Protecting your interests and easing the burden on your loved ones is not just about making a Will. Wills deal with distribution of your assets on your death but what if something happens to incapacitate you during your lifetime, whether temporarily or permanently?

Many people do not appreciate that if they no longer have legal mental capacity there is no automatic entitlement for a loved one (even a spouse or child) to help make important decisions for them.  The Court of Protection has to step in to appoint a Deputy and that is an expensive, lengthy process with ongoing annual fees.

Lasting Powers of Attorney are legal documents you can enter into when you have full mental capacity and by which you can appoint one or more people to make legal and financial decisions on your behalf. There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney, one for property and financial decisions and the other for health, care and welfare decisions.  To become effective, they have to be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.

Leigh Duncan Solicitors will always encourage you to give thought to entering into one or both Lasting Powers of Attorney when you are completing a Will.  We also encourage you to contact us at any time to discuss Lasting Powers of Attorney even if you already have a Will.

Our solicitor can advise you on the full advantages of Lasting Powers of Attorney and assist you in the process of entering into and registering the documents.

Contact us for details of our fixed fees which include our work in not just preparing the documentation but also registering it with the Office of the Public Guardian.

Have a look at our news section for our new leaflet on Lasting Powers of Attorney.

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